Saturday, September 26, 2009


Employer Expectation
1. Always be on time how long will it take to get to work? Allow a few extra minutes for traffic problems and getting children to day care. Set an alarm clock to help you get up. Beoing reliable and dependable gains the trust and respect of your new employer.
2. Try for good attendance. If you are going to be out sick, ask your supervisor the proper method of notification.
3. Know and follow all office rules, policies and procedures. Read the employee manuals.
4. Listen and learn. Be open to new ways of doing things. Even if you were taught differently in school or on a different job. Dont quick to find fault, criticize or complain until you can prove you can do some thing a better way.

1. when you need to talk with your supervisor, ask when would be good time to meet.
2. Stay calm. Show your willingness to learn from your supervisor, subordinates and peers. ask how you can improve. Your job success is also their success.
3. Ask for help when you need it. If you make a mistake, let your supervisor know immediately find out how you can fix it.
4. Follow the proper chain of command. Discuss item with your supervsor first.

1. Be willing to learn new skills, keep a record of classess, you are taking that relate to the job. Review this with your supervisor at an appropriate time.
2. Take time in making new friends. find positive and upbeat co-workers. Avoid negative, critical and gossiping people.
3. Be clean and well groomed. were clean and job-appropriate clothes. Pay attention to how your co-workers are dressed. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes.
4. Keep your personal life and problem at home. If you are having trouble resolving personal problems, counseling support groups or employee assistances program may be useful.
5. Create the image. Dress for the job you want next.
6. Be patient with yourself and your employer. It takes time to get used to, learn and like a new job.
7. Volunteer for projects and committee if your work is complete and your supervisor approves.

Getting along with others
1. Always be friendly to everyone. Be willing to go the extra mile. This creates good will with employers, Co-workers and customers.
2. Notice who your boss relies on and model yourself after them.
3. Find a mentor, someone who knpow the employer and the job well enough to coach you or show you the ropes.
4. Show appreciation let your supervisor(s) know you appreciate their training, support, input, feedback etc.
5. Be a team player. Be willing to help. Know the goal of your job and how your job fit into the overall organisation. Avoid a know-it-all attitude. "Try to fit in with the team.
keep your sense of humour.



you need to have been carrying out interviews on some of these Nigerias Deaf.their testimonies are more powerful than anything,i say Myself.One of the greatest examples that give me person joy is the story of the young man,joy.He is doing his first in his own Website.that course opened him up to opportunities on the internet.just to give you one example. without Fear of contradication,i want to say that there is no state for Deaf,in this entire nation today that you will not find a least one person that will say to you that the reason i am prospering in What i am doing is because God led Me to R.B.F.D.that is a glowing testimony of what God has done through this place.

Beyond online Business,What have i done to Develop offline business Nigeria deaf?
if you understand the nation of my found that only unique thing about online business to us is because R.B.F.D happen to be the first orgainsation to bring the knowledge of how you can entreneurship on the Internet.i teach deaf people how to do it was the starting point.before the advent of the internet,R.B.F.D was there.that course alone has created many deaf Millionaires across the entire nation today.

1.Take poultry farming,snail farming,GSM repirs.
2.Take computer repirs the hundreds of knowledge in different area that i have done courses in -ever how to do business profitaby.

There programmes have opened up the Eyes of deaf people In Nigeria small and medium scale business owner for many of them,starting business is just having capital to rent stores and stuff them with goods.but managing business sucessfully is far deep than that.

Let me answer it this way:
this a real life story.A nigeria deaf working in iwo wanted to buy a house rent in nigeria,specifically mapo town.he was advised to check R.B.F.D. and any of the names listed there are credible.just contact them and they will help you to transact any kind of business with peace of mind.

Well my real name?
oyedeji victor olusegun
know As Richbusiness for Deaf.{Nigeria's own NO 1 Rich business for deaf}

Monday, September 21, 2009


Top 14 Find a Job
Best Places to Find a Job Online
From About.
See More About: job boards
2.find a technical job
3.job searching tips
4.job listings
How to find a job. Information about the best places online to find a job. There are so many job boards in cyberspace, sometimes it is difficult to tell which ones are worth your time. Here is a list of some of the top job boards and search sites for Technology Careers, to help you find a job online.
1.Using to Find a JobDICE is one of the larger job boards, and lists mostly technical positions. There is a focus here on all types of technical openings - regular, full time, part time and contract work are all listed here. My DICE tips and tricks gives more information about this popular job search website.
2.Find a Job with CraigsListCraigslist is one of my favorite sites to search for a job (for myself!) and, as a recruiter, to post jobs for technical candidates to apply to.
3.Using HotJobs to Find a JobOne of the larger job boards out there, HotJobs has thousands of jobs to search through. Many of the larger employers have access to HotJobs, and it should be a part of any thorough job search. View these HotJobs Tips and Tricks to get the best use of HotJobs.
4.Find a Job with CareerBuilderCareer Builder is a large, popular job search website. It is not as heavily populated with technology listings as some of the other boards, but is definitely worth checking into as part of your job search.
5.How to Use to Find a JobPart social networking for grown ups, part job search and lots of great contacts make LinkedIn one of my favorite tools for searching for jobs - and as a recruiter, I use it often to search for candidates!
6.Find a Job - Entry Level and Intern Job SitesMy complete listing of entry level and intern job site reviews. Each site listed links to tips and strategies for finding an intern position or entry level position for a new grad.
7.Using to Find a JobIEEE is one of the premiere industry associations. They have extensive job posting and networking opportunities for members. The IEEE job searching resources gives more information on how to utilize IEEE in your job search.
8.Find a Job with Women in Technology International - WITIAn great industry association, WITI is Women in Technology International. Focused on enabling women to be successful in technical careers, they have an extensive list of online job openings, in addition to being a great place to network.
9.Find a Job Using Job Serve WebsitesThe Job Serve group of sites includes many technology focused niche sites. Hundreds of relevant jobs are posted on each site. learn more on how to find a job online


Top 14 Find a Job
Best Places to Find a Job Online
From About Me,
online job boards
find a technical job
job searching tips
job listings
How to find a job. Information about the best places online to find a job. There are so many job boards in cyberspace, sometimes it is difficult to tell which ones are worth your time. Here is a list of some of the top job boards and search sites for Technology Careers, to help you find a job online. There are useful tips and tricks for each site.
Find a Job with Monster.comProbably one of the more popular job search sites, Monster often has thousands of technology jobs listed.

Using to Find a Job Dice is one of the larger job boards, and lists mostly technical positions. There is a focus here on all types of technical openings - regular, full time, part time and contract work are all listed here. My DICE tips and tricks gives more information about this popular job search website.
1.Find a Job with CraigsListCraigslist is one of my favorite sites to search for a job (for myself!) and, as a recruiter, to post jobs for technical candidates to apply to. Check out these Craigslist tips and tricks to make the best use of Craigslist for your job search.
2.Using HotJobs to Find a JobOne of the larger job boards out there, HotJobs has thousands of jobs to search through. Many of the larger employers have access to HotJobs, and it should be a part of any thorough job search. View these HotJobs Tips and Tricks to get the best use of HotJobs.
3.Find a Job with CareerBuilderCareer Builder is a large, popular job search website. It is not as heavily populated with technology listings as some of the other boards, but is definitely worth checking into as part of your job search.
4.How to Use to Find a JobPart social networking for grown ups, part job search and lots of great contacts make LinkedIn one of my favorite tools for searching for jobs - and as a recruiter, I use it often to search for candidates!
5.Find a Job - Entry Level and Intern Job SitesMy complete listing of entry level and intern job site reviews. Each site listed links to tips and strategies for finding an intern position or entry level position for a new grad.
6.Using to Find a JobIEEE is one of the premiere industry associations. They have extensive job posting and networking opportunities for members. The IEEE job searching resources gives more information on how to utilize IEEE in your job search.
7.Find a Job with Women in Technology International - WITIAn great industry association, WITI is Women in Technology International. Focused on enabling women to be successful in technical careers, they have an extensive list of online job openings, in addition to being a great place to network.
8.Find a Job Using Job Serve WebsitesThe Job Serve group of sites includes many technology focused niche sites. Hundreds of relevant jobs are posted on each site. Check out these jobserve tips to maximize your job search online. learn how to find a job and keed it with u always

Monday, September 7, 2009


Now that you have the job career success tips.
once you have made the big transition from job search to landing the job, the next goal is job success. Nigeria has become one of the leading languages in the world. There are 350 million Nigerian speakers all over the world making it the 4th most commonly spoken language worldwide. Imagine that if you learn Nigerian, and you will able to communicate up to 350 million people. It will be a huge benefit for you if you are master to speak Nigerian.
Have you ever think about to learn second language? And if you already know another language, could you ever thought about the benefits to knowing more than one language? Well I will explain you; it is very beneficial to speak in more than one language it gave you the positive point to get hired. I hope this will create interest for you to learn another language.
Have you ever noticed that how people have more job opportunities with the second language? Knowing second language, not only looks good on resume but by knowing Spanish as a second language you will also find that you are a real asset in your company. You will also find that you are growing with your company as a result. You can get a raise in your job after learning another language.
Think that Do you want more job opportunities that knowing Nigerian will give you? If your answer is yes then make sure you to learn Nigerian and have the great opportunity of more jobs or to raise your position in your company.
So, if you want to get the huge benefit for your career then you must have to learn Nigeria as a second language click here to learn Learn Online and gets the profit which it will gave you.