Saturday, September 26, 2009


Employer Expectation
1. Always be on time how long will it take to get to work? Allow a few extra minutes for traffic problems and getting children to day care. Set an alarm clock to help you get up. Beoing reliable and dependable gains the trust and respect of your new employer.
2. Try for good attendance. If you are going to be out sick, ask your supervisor the proper method of notification.
3. Know and follow all office rules, policies and procedures. Read the employee manuals.
4. Listen and learn. Be open to new ways of doing things. Even if you were taught differently in school or on a different job. Dont quick to find fault, criticize or complain until you can prove you can do some thing a better way.

1. when you need to talk with your supervisor, ask when would be good time to meet.
2. Stay calm. Show your willingness to learn from your supervisor, subordinates and peers. ask how you can improve. Your job success is also their success.
3. Ask for help when you need it. If you make a mistake, let your supervisor know immediately find out how you can fix it.
4. Follow the proper chain of command. Discuss item with your supervsor first.

1. Be willing to learn new skills, keep a record of classess, you are taking that relate to the job. Review this with your supervisor at an appropriate time.
2. Take time in making new friends. find positive and upbeat co-workers. Avoid negative, critical and gossiping people.
3. Be clean and well groomed. were clean and job-appropriate clothes. Pay attention to how your co-workers are dressed. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes.
4. Keep your personal life and problem at home. If you are having trouble resolving personal problems, counseling support groups or employee assistances program may be useful.
5. Create the image. Dress for the job you want next.
6. Be patient with yourself and your employer. It takes time to get used to, learn and like a new job.
7. Volunteer for projects and committee if your work is complete and your supervisor approves.

Getting along with others
1. Always be friendly to everyone. Be willing to go the extra mile. This creates good will with employers, Co-workers and customers.
2. Notice who your boss relies on and model yourself after them.
3. Find a mentor, someone who knpow the employer and the job well enough to coach you or show you the ropes.
4. Show appreciation let your supervisor(s) know you appreciate their training, support, input, feedback etc.
5. Be a team player. Be willing to help. Know the goal of your job and how your job fit into the overall organisation. Avoid a know-it-all attitude. "Try to fit in with the team.
keep your sense of humour.


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