Wednesday, March 15, 2023

PDP DISABILITY VANGUARD OYO STATE, NIGERIA A Wake-up Call to the forthcoming Gubernatorial Election*



 A Wake-up Call to the forthcoming Gubernatorial Election 

In appreciation and recognition of the good and humane efforts of our incumbent governor in Oyo State, Engr. Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, (FNSE), we, the body of *People Living With Disabilities* hereby acknowledge with gratitude, his numerous achievements which in the history of the State, is second to none, and best among equals.

Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady to the United States during her husband, President Franklin Roosevelt's four terms in office, was quoted as saying,

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words. It is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility."

As free moral agents, mankind was created by Almighty GOD with the ability to make choices, and his/her freedom to choose is sacrosanct, which no one can take away from him. We should realize that our choices have consequences attached to them.

This is why we need to have a sober reflection on the good opportunity accorded us in the last four years since the inception of the first term tenure of the people's governor, Engineer Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde (FNSE). It has never happened in the history of the State of Oyo that a sitting governor will give listening hears with rapt attention to the yearnings and aspirations of People Living With Disabilities as we have it now under the good governance of our amiable GSM.

We are indeed, highly privileged to be given notable appointments in the cabinet of His excellency, not only in Ibadan, the Capital City, but in all the 33 local governments of the State respectively.

To succinctly buttress the above assertion, let me gloss over some of these official appointments as appointed by the incumbent governor from our quarters.

Unlike in the past, Oyo State now has the following appointees:

*  Executive Assistant to the governor on disability matters - Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi

*  Special Assistant to the governor on Special Needs - Honourable  Timothy Olufemi

*  Supervising Counselors to the Local Government Chairmen in all the 33 Local Government of Oyo State.

*  Special Assistants to Local Government Chairmen on disability matters

In light of the above, it is our responsibility to exercise our franchise on the 18th of this month, (March) and re-elect the incumbent governor, Engr. Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde (FNSE) for a second term tenure in order to ensure continuity of good governance with the fear of GOD; and equitable distribution of the dividends of democracy to all and sundry through his democratic disposition that has placed our dear State on great stance by the numerous modern amenities and social infrastructures embarked upon by our GSM which are completed in record time for the collective usage of the masses.

Moreover, we as people living with disabilities stand to gain and benefit more from the governor that loves us heartily. As we all know, he has dished out laudable empowerments to PLWD, and he has also given money to quite many amongst us in order to give them financial freedom so that they can have their own business ventures. And he has promised to do more, by the grace of Almighty GOD.

My take at this particular point in time is that, since the incumbent governor has delivered and fulfilled his promises to the State in his first term, I strongly believe he deserved a second tenure of additional four years. 

Please, exercise your franchise on Sa

turday 18 March, 2023 to re-elect our GSM for continuity of good governance. Don't let Oyo State fall into the hands of gluttonous politicians who lack good track records. Don't let us be put on the reverse gear to the slave market of Pharoah.

Like Eleanor Roosevelt said at the foreground, our choice is our responsibility. Therefore, let us make the right choice.

Oyo State belongs to you and I, so let us use our PVC to make our choice at the polls on 18 March 2023. 

Our candidate is our amiable GSM.

Our governor is Engr. Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, (FNSE).

Vote Right!

Vote Rightly!

GOD bless Oyo State!

GOD bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

GSM Hope For Persons With Disabilities.

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