Thursday, July 20, 2023

TOUCHSTONE: Do We Stop Working After Elections and Political Appointments?


TOUCHSTONE: Do We Stop Working After Elections and Political Appointments?

By Ambassador Hon Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi CEO RBFD blogger. 

PDP Chieftain, Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire’s Post-Election Productivity, philanthropic gesture in his community

In a touching display of compassion and encouragement, Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire, a respected alumnus of Government College Ibadan (GCI), made a significant donation of uniforms to Cadet students, of Government College Ibadan.

The donation took place on the hallowed grounds of Government College Ibadan.

For Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire, the event was an opportunity to reminisce about his own cherished experiences during his time as a student at GCI.

Addressing the students, Hon. Fagbenro-Bibire stressed the importance of education and character development in shaping the leaders of tomorrow. He commended the Cadet students for their unwavering commitment, hard work, and dedication to upholding GCI’s legacy of excellence.

“My alma mater fills me with immense pride, and I am truly amazed by the outstanding individuals it continues to produce,” shared Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire. “Giving back to this institution, which played a crucial role in my personal and professional development, is an absolute honor. I hope that my contributions will inspire these deserving Cadet students to reach even greater heights in their endeavors.”

The generous donation included a substantial number of impeccably tailored uniforms, reinforcing the Cadet corps’ sense of identity and unity.

In the future, Hon. Fagbenro-Bibire will bestow prizes upon the most exceptional Cadet students, to acknowledge their exceptional leadership skills and academic brilliance.

Mr. Remi Adelabu the Principal of GCI, expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the entire school community for Hon. Fagbenro-Bibire’s benevolence. “We are deeply moved by Hon. Fagbenro-Bibire’s generosity and commitment to enhancing our school. His contributions will undoubtedly inspire our students to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.”

Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire’s laudable initiative serves as a shining example of how alumni can play a pivotal role in nurturing and empowering the next generation of leaders. His act of philanthropy will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the Cadet students of Government College Ibadan, motivating them to continue their pursuit of excellence.

The students expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the invaluable support they received, further strengthening the bond between the esteemed alumnus and the current GCI community. The legacy of Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire’s contribution will undoubtedly resonate through the corridors of Government College Ibadan for generations, inspiring Cadet students to embody the values of leadership and academic brilliance.

Concluding his speech, Hon. Abayomi Fagbenro-Bibire has this to say “You don’t have to possess the wealth of a Dangote or Otedola to bring joy and assistance to your community. Popularity, special treatment, or a multitude of degrees are not prerequisites to be a source of happiness and support to your fellow human beings.

Take notice of the challenges around you and seek solutions, even if they may not be the grandest issues.

In this particular case, I choose to address the uniform problem for these students. I once walked in their shoes, and my journey began as a cadet student, where I saw the potential for greatness.

The resources that God has entrusted to us are not for our sole benefit but to be used to help others in need.

Let us remember that politics is a human ideology, separate from the divine.

I encourage all those who possess the means to come together, pool our resources, and assist the less privileged, making Oyo state a better place for all.

Although the elections have concluded, and political appointments are underway, it will not hinder me from pursuing my true calling. With or without politics, I will persist in doing what I believe God has destined for me.

In this challenging period, I urge every citizen of Nigeria to pray for one another and unite. There is hope, and we will see light at the end of the tunnel”.

Ambassador Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi for everyone and no one left behind - The Office of the Co-Moderator JONAPWD platform. 

© Honourable Abayomi Bibire © Ambassador Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi CEO RBFD blogger & Friends of Oyedeji/ Bibire 🤗

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