Wednesday, August 30, 2023

News: Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas including one SA Community paid a courtesy visit to Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi Director General on Agency of People with Disability to the Governor and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday as Executive Assistant on People with Disability Matters to the Governor today at the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. By Hon Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi

 Update and News:

Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas along with one SA Deaf Community paid a courtesy visit to Barrister Adekanbi, the Director General (DG) on Agency of Persons With Disabilities (PWD) to the Governor of Oyo State and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday, EA on PWD Matters to the Governor today at the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development.

Edited by Esike Uzochukwu Light, Esq

Firstly, on behalf of the Honourables Supervisors and the SA People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas of Oyo State, we heartily congratulate Barrister Adekanbi as the DG on Agency of PWD and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday as EA on PWD matter to Governor for their achievements and new positions. They both truly deserve it. As our leaders, our prayer is that you both succeed as you enter this new phase of your official assignments.

It is the desire of the Honourables Supervisory on People with Disability that you both should strive to push for inclusion of the Disability community in Oyo State in more political appointments, job opportunities, and other avenues to serve as Commissioners on People with Disability in  Sports, building of schools for the deaf, and general empowerment of the PWD, etc. 

We wish Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi Director General on Agency of People with Disability and Hon Femi Executive Assistant on PWD Matter a successful and impactful tenure.

Indeed, history will be kind to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Governor Seyi Makinde for rewarding loyalty, hard work and patriotism in the choice and re- appointments of Barrister Adekanbi DG on Agency of people with Disability to Governor and Executive Assistant on PWD Matters to the Governor. They both are gifts to the Nigerian people with Disability in Oyo State. 

While addressing members, Barrister Adekanmbi pointed out that the GSM Omituntun 2:0 already approved Oyo State Disability Bill into law and it has become the law. He further stated that there is a lot of work to be done in regard to helping our people with disability.

He said that if we see something that is not right, we should speak up and fight for our people to ensure that no PWD is left behind. 

Hon. Femi Timothy EA also encouraged all Honourables Supervisory Councilors to come together and cooperate as one family so that PWDs will receive benefits and welfares under the Administration of GSM Omituntun 2:0 and everyone will work in unison toward the attainment of Sustainable Development Economic, Environment and Social goals. 

Section 1 to 4 of this 🛣️ roadmap has dealt extensively with how our four pillars: Economy, Education, Health and Security will contribute to sustainable development in Oyo state, including Special Education.

We already created an agency to address the issues of inclusion of people with Disability which was announced last Wednesday by  Barrister Adekanmbi as the Director General on Agency of People with Disability to the Governor and Executive Assistant on PWD Matters to the Governor. 

We the Honourables Supervisory Councilors & SA wish them both a successful tenure. May Almighty God help them & guide them in the  discharge of their duties.

The Agenda of the meeting was quickly raised by the DG on Agency of PWD to the Governor and work is ongoing. Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability 33 Oyo State were encouraged to work hard and support our people no matter the challenges, to stand up and rise together as we have a lot of work to do on behalf of our people. 

No one left behind by Honourable Oyedeji Olusegun,GSM Volunteer People with Disability, Omituntun 2:0 

Photos Speaking ......and Attendance: 

1.Hon Alabi Abidemi     

2.Hon Rasaki Aderemi 

3.Hon Okikiola 

 4. Hon Janet Omolumo 

5. Hon taiwo Hassan 

6.Hon Salami Raviu 

7.Hon Karim Suleiman 

8.Hon Abdulwasiu Yunuysa 

9.Hon Gbadebo Deborah Adekunbi 

10.Hon Alabi Araria 

11.Hon OlaniyiO luwatoyin 

12. Hon Olayika Matthew 

13. Hon Adeyemo Mary  

14. Hon Oyedeji Olusegun ( GSM Volunteer People with Disability Omituntun 2:0)

15.Hon Adekola 

16.Hon Mujidat Asawale 

17.Hon Iburayim 

Photos Speaking......

Monday, August 28, 2023

Examining Local Government Challenges In An Ideal Democratic Society


Examining Local Government Challenges In An Ideal Democratic Society

Local government autonomy refers to the decentralization of power and decision-making to local government units within a country. It aims to empower these local entities with the ability to govern themselves, make decisions that directly affect their communities, and manage their resources independently.

The concept of local government autonomy stems from the belief that local communities have a better understanding of their unique needs and challenges compared to a centralized authority. By granting them autonomy, governments aim to promote more effective and efficient governance, enhance citizen participation, and foster local development.

Key aspects of local government autonomy include:

Political Autonomy: This involves granting local governments the power to elect their own representatives and leaders, create their own laws and regulations (within the framework of national laws), and manage local institutions.

Administrative Autonomy: Local governments should have the authority to manage their resources, such as budgets, infrastructure development, and public services. They can tailor policies to suit the specific needs of their communities.

Financial Autonomy: Local governments should have control over their financial resources, including revenue generation and budget allocation. This enables them to fund local projects and services without depending solely on central government funding.

Functional Autonomy: Local governments should be responsible for providing essential public services like education, healthcare, sanitation, and infrastructure development, based on the needs of their residents.

Benefits of local government autonomy include:

Responsive Governance: Local governments can address local issues promptly, as they have a direct understanding of the needs and priorities of their communities.

Efficiency: Local authorities can implement policies and programs that are better suited to the local context, leading to more efficient resource allocation and utilization.

Citizen Participation: Decentralized decision-making encourages citizen involvement in local affairs, promoting accountability and transparency.

Economic Development: Local governments can tailor economic policies to encourage local business growth and attract investments, stimulating economic development at the grassroots level.

Innovation: Different regions may require unique solutions. Local autonomy allows for experimentation and innovation to tackle challenges in creative ways.

However, challenges associated with local government autonomy include:

Capacity Constraints: Local governments might lack the resources, expertise, and capacity to effectively manage their responsibilities.

Inequity: Autonomy could lead to disparities between affluent and disadvantaged regions if the latter lacks the resources to provide adequate public services.

Conflict of Interest: Striking a balance between local interests and national priorities can be complex, potentially leading to conflicts.

Fragmentation: Excessive decentralization might result in a lack of coordination between different local entities, impacting national policy implementation.

In conclusion, local government autonomy is a vital aspect of effective governance. When implemented with careful planning, it can enhance citizen engagement, lead to more tailored policies, and drive local development. Finding the right balance between autonomy and central oversight is essential to ensure the well-being of all citizens and the overall progress of a country.

I submit tentatively

Hon. Dr Ajagbe “ONIRESE”

© Ambassador Hon Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi 

World Bank $500m Facility Will Boosts Nigeria’s Digital Economy – ⭐ Star Representative Hon ODIDI-OMO


World Bank $500m Facility Will Boosts Nigeria’s Digital Economy – ⭐ Star Representative Hon. ODIDI-OMO 

World Bank $500m Facility: A game-changer for Nigeria’s Digital Economy –Star Rep.Hon  Adedeji aka ODIDI OMO 

Ibadan Northwest/Southwest Federal Constituency lawmaker, Hon Dhikirulahi Adedeji Olajide, has described the World Bank’s $500 million facility to Nigeria as a “game-changer” for the country’s digital economy.

In a statement issued on Monday, Olajide, who is also the Chairman of the House Committee on ICT and Cyber Security, said the facility would help to accelerate the development of Nigeria’s digital economy and create jobs for millions of Nigerians.

“This is a major boost for our digital economy and it will help us to leapfrog into the 21st century,” Olajide said. “The facility will be used to support the development of digital infrastructure, skills training, and innovation in the country’s digital sector.”

He added that the facility would also help to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas of the country.

“This is a very important issue, as it will ensure that everyone in Nigeria has access to the benefits of the digital economy,” Olajide said.

He commended the Federal Government for securing the facility and urged them to ensure that it is used effectively.

“This is a great opportunity for Nigeria to become a digital leader in Africa. I urge the government to seize this opportunity and make the most of it,” Hon Olajide aka ODIDI OMO said.

The statement quoted Olajide as saying: “I am particularly excited about the facility’s focus on digital infrastructure, skills training, and innovation. These are the key areas that need to be addressed if we are to truly transform our digital economy.”

He concluded by saying that the facility was a “historic moment” for Nigeria and that he was confident that it would help to make the country a global leader in the digital economy.

Governors Will Deliver Good Governance — Governor Makinde


Governors Will Deliver Good Governance —Governor Makinde
Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde has said that governors are now more prepared to perform as they are better equipped with leadership strategies to deliver effective governance. nationwide.
This is as the Oyo State governor described the leadership retreat organised by the Nigeria Governors Forum in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme as a means of deepening governance across the sub-national level.

Makinde who doubles as the Vice Chairman of the NGF stated this in Kigali, the Rwandan capital on Sunday following the conclusion of a three-day training on executive leadership.

Attended by 19 Nigerian state governors at the invitation of the Rwandan President, Mr Paul Kagame; the retreat was dedicated to fostering dialogue on reimagining leadership and leveraging innovative technology, drawing inspiration from Rwanda’s transformative journey.
Themed ‘Reimagining leadership in a fast-changing world’, the participants engaged in sessions that explored Rwanda’s successful investment destination transformation in digital technology, urban planning and socio-economic transformation, and concluded with a private dialogue with President Kagame.
A statement jointly signed by Abdulrazaque Bello-Barkindo, Director of Media at the NGF and Christabel Chanda-Ginsberg, Head, Public Engagement, Outreach and Partnership Lead, UNDP Nigeria, quoted Makinde as saying, “It has been an engaging retreat. I am glad a significant number of governors are here to be part of it so that, together, we can use the knowledge acquired.
Our discussions have equipped us with adaptive leadership strategies and identifying pathways to effective governance and nationwide sustainable development.”

Speaking on the aim of the retreat, NGF Director General, Asishana Okauru, said, “As a non-partisan organisation and policy arm, the NGF organised this gathering to foster transformative leadership and facilitate honest, frank, and open dialogue to shape the discourse on these cross-cutting themes.”

Aware of the challenges of governance and aligned to UNDP’s mandate as the lead UN agency on development, Mohamed Yahya, UNDP’s Resident Representative in Nigeria, said the gathering “Offers an opportunity to reimagine Nigeria’s leadership to achieve transformation and nationwide sustainable development.”

The retreat also focused on learning through dialogue – with sessions on rethinking leadership, leading systems, leading self and leading to delivering, as well as learning through observation – with an interactive programme exploring Rwanda’s emergence as an investment destination through visits and exchanges with innovation hub Norrsken House, the Rwanda Development Board and the Mayor of the City of Kigali.

Friday, August 25, 2023

NGF Vice Chair, Makinde, Attends UNDP Leadership Retreat For Nigerian Govs In Kigali


  • NGF Vice Chair, Makinde, Attends UNDP Leadership Retreat For Nigerian Govs In Kigali

  • NGF Vice Chair, Makinde, Attends UNDP Leadership Retreat For Nigerian Govs In Kigali

    The governor of Oyo State and vice chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum, NGF, Engr. Seyi Makinde, is in far away Kigali, Rwanda, taking part in the Executive Leadership Retreat, organised by the NGF in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP.

    The Executive Leadership Retreat, a strategic collaboration between NGF and UNDP, is a pivotal three-day retreat that boasts of an impressive agenda, starting with a moderated dialogue themed: ‘The future of Pan-Africanism and Integration in a Changing World.’

    Distinguished panelists to do justice to the theme include: Rwanda President Paul Kagame, former Presidents of Kenya and Tanzania, Uhuru Kenyatta and Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete respectively.

    Highlight of the retreat includes a dynamic forum to engage private sector stakeholders with primary focus on investment opportunities for participants.

    Governor Makinde averred that participants in the retreat “look forward to the collaborative insight and strategic moves that will undoubtedly shape leadership and development across the African continent.”

    The UNDP has said that the executive leadership retreat is part of its commitment to raising the level of governance in Africa and other parts of the world.

    It said, “In today’s dynamic world, the multiplicity of megatrends – ranging from invisible threats to democratic governance, the impact of an increasingly digital and innovation-driven society, a looming job crisis, a growing youth population with an elusive youth dividend, the rapid pace of urbanisation, a highly globalised world, to rising climate change, pose tremendous challenges for African countries.”

    A UNDP official, Lealem Berhand, said of the programme, “A new leadership approach is required to transform these challenges into opportunities.

  • Wednesday, August 23, 2023

    ABIODUN OLUWASEYI MAKINDE: The People's Governor, Unprecedented Rational Stance in Oyo State.

     ABIODUN OLUWASEYI MAKINDE: The People's Governor, Unprecedented Rational Stance in Oyo State.

    With sober reflection in retrospect, 

    it is quite unprecedented to be given the good opportunity accorded us during the first term tenure of the incumbent governor - Engineer Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, (FNSE), in the history of governance in Oyo State, Nigeria, by erstwhile regimes. In addition to that, it has never happened that a sitting governor will continue to passionately give listening hears with rapt attention to the aspirations and yearnings of People Living With Disabilities, as we are having it now under the good governance of our erudite GSM.

    Moreover, the present actions of our incumbent governor, who kicked the ground running to continue the good works his administration began during his first term in office, has left his ardent critics, in awe and bewilderment. 

    "How" and "Why?," One may want to ask. The answers are not farfetched. Here they are, at your fingertips -=>

    Many of his critics have said, disdainfully, that Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, will not scale through the hurdle of the electioneering process to actualize his second term bid in office; but they were all proved wrong by the electorate, who opted for continuity of his good works, without any betrayal of trust, at the gubernatorial poll.

    After that, his detractors minted another coin of fallacy that, GSM can never build on the unrivalled fundamental structures he has erected during his first term in office. One of these was that, People Living With Disabilities will be abandoned and jettisoned by the incumbent governor, as soon as he was being sworn-in for his second term in office. But to the glory of Almighty GOD, all these projections had been debunked, in that our amiable GSM, has actually, extended his right hand of fellowship, and, of course, governance, not only to the good people of Oyo State, but to the grateful People Living With Disabilities, too. Without leaving any stone unturned, the governor ensured continuity of his campaign promises, without rescission on his words. Oyo State is moving up to greater heights, in leaps and bounds.

    To The glory of Almighty GOD, we, (PLWD), are now quite privileged to occupy more vital posts and important positions of authorities, in the current Government of The People; By The People; and, of course, For The People, in spite of the critics' disparaging utterances.

    To buttress the assertions above, I am bold to numerically itemize some of the inexhaustible blessings and appointments giving to us, (People Living With Disabilities), by the sympathetic and empathetic governor of the people - our beloved GSM.

    i*   Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi => Director General of People Living With Disabilities  

    ii*   Comrade Timothy Olufemi Sunday => Executive Assistant to the Governor on Disabilities Matters 

    iii*.  Honourable Taofik Olusola Abolore (a.k.a. Olukole) => Incoming Councilor - Afijio Local Government, Ibadan.

    iv*.  Moreover, all the Supervisory Councilors appointed during the first term tenure of our GSM are still holding forth in that capacity, in all the 33 Local Government of Oyo State respectively.

    v*   We, (PLWD), are also ably represented in all these 33 Local Governments of our Pacesetter State by Special Assistants to Local Government Chairmen, because, the incumbent governor strongly believe, 'there is tremendous ability in disability.'

    vi*  And with due respect to His Excellency, Engineer. Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde - FNSE, each and everybody that have been duly employed before his second term in Oyo State, will continue to enjoy the dividends of democracy.

    vii*   As a lover of qualitative education, we cannot forget TESCOM employees, especially, all the teachers that were employed into the Oyo State Civil Service during the first term of our GSM. They will definitely continue their assigned duties without fear or dread, in order to inculcate the best to our  children and school pupils, whose educational pursuit is of great concern for GSM.

    viii*   To the best of my knowledge, this Second Term tenure of the people's governor, Engineer Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, (FNSE), promises to be an 'All-inclusive Governance,' in order to fulfill the beneficial purpose of equitable distribution of good governance and dividends of democracy.

    At this juncture, we glorify Almighty GOD for these unprecedented and elevated positions in the core of the incumbent government in Oyo State. 

    We also thank Almighty GOD for given us a "goal-getter governor" that is at the helm of governance, with the fear of GOD; and, equitable distribution of the dividends of democracy, to all and sundry, through his democratic disposition that has placed our dear State to prominence, by the numerous modern amenities and social infrastructures embarked upon for the collective utility of the masses.

    It is our prayer, that Almighty GOD, in His infinite mercy, will continue to abide with Governor Abiodun Oluwaseyi Makinde, (FNSE), with his lovely wife, and family; for the erudition of these good qualitative actions and activities. 

    Almighty GOD will give him longer life with peace, progress and prosperity for Oyo State, and, of course, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as a whole. 

    In CHRIST JESUS Mighty Name 

    🙏 Amen 🙏

    GOD Bless Oyo State

    GOD Bless PDP Disability Vanguard

    GOD Bless The Federal Republic of Nigeria

    Humbly written by:



    Wednesday, August 16, 2023

    Makinde seeks 5-year tenure for political office holders


    Governor Makinde Seyi seeks 5-year tenure for Political office holders
    The Governor also charged Nigerians to obligate themselves in praying for leaders for positive direction that would enable effective delivery

    The Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde has thrown support behind singular term of five years for political office holders, however, called on religious faithful to engage in politics to drive positive change.

    Governor Makinde air his opinion at the Dinner in Honour of the National Executive, of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) who are on Retreat in Ibadan.

    The Governor also charged Nigerians to obligate themselves in praying for leaders for positive direction that would enable effective delivery

    Earlier in his welcome address, President, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Bishop Wale Oke, called the citizens to embrace spirit of oneness irrespective of differences noting that it would maintain progressive mark in the country.

    He commended Governor Makinde for being distinct among the politicians especially for always walking the talk

    Similarly, a spiritual elder, Yemi Ayodele noted that it is necessary the country desist from sin, adding that it will continually affected the country negatively.
