Wednesday, August 30, 2023

News: Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas including one SA Community paid a courtesy visit to Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi Director General on Agency of People with Disability to the Governor and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday as Executive Assistant on People with Disability Matters to the Governor today at the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development. By Hon Oyedeji Olusegun Abayomi

 Update and News:

Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas along with one SA Deaf Community paid a courtesy visit to Barrister Adekanbi, the Director General (DG) on Agency of Persons With Disabilities (PWD) to the Governor of Oyo State and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday, EA on PWD Matters to the Governor today at the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development.

Edited by Esike Uzochukwu Light, Esq

Firstly, on behalf of the Honourables Supervisors and the SA People with Disability in the 33 Local Government areas of Oyo State, we heartily congratulate Barrister Adekanbi as the DG on Agency of PWD and Hon Femi Timothy Sunday as EA on PWD matter to Governor for their achievements and new positions. They both truly deserve it. As our leaders, our prayer is that you both succeed as you enter this new phase of your official assignments.

It is the desire of the Honourables Supervisory on People with Disability that you both should strive to push for inclusion of the Disability community in Oyo State in more political appointments, job opportunities, and other avenues to serve as Commissioners on People with Disability in  Sports, building of schools for the deaf, and general empowerment of the PWD, etc. 

We wish Barrister Ayodele Adekanmbi Director General on Agency of People with Disability and Hon Femi Executive Assistant on PWD Matter a successful and impactful tenure.

Indeed, history will be kind to His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Oyo State, Governor Seyi Makinde for rewarding loyalty, hard work and patriotism in the choice and re- appointments of Barrister Adekanbi DG on Agency of people with Disability to Governor and Executive Assistant on PWD Matters to the Governor. They both are gifts to the Nigerian people with Disability in Oyo State. 

While addressing members, Barrister Adekanmbi pointed out that the GSM Omituntun 2:0 already approved Oyo State Disability Bill into law and it has become the law. He further stated that there is a lot of work to be done in regard to helping our people with disability.

He said that if we see something that is not right, we should speak up and fight for our people to ensure that no PWD is left behind. 

Hon. Femi Timothy EA also encouraged all Honourables Supervisory Councilors to come together and cooperate as one family so that PWDs will receive benefits and welfares under the Administration of GSM Omituntun 2:0 and everyone will work in unison toward the attainment of Sustainable Development Economic, Environment and Social goals. 

Section 1 to 4 of this 🛣️ roadmap has dealt extensively with how our four pillars: Economy, Education, Health and Security will contribute to sustainable development in Oyo state, including Special Education.

We already created an agency to address the issues of inclusion of people with Disability which was announced last Wednesday by  Barrister Adekanmbi as the Director General on Agency of People with Disability to the Governor and Executive Assistant on PWD Matters to the Governor. 

We the Honourables Supervisory Councilors & SA wish them both a successful tenure. May Almighty God help them & guide them in the  discharge of their duties.

The Agenda of the meeting was quickly raised by the DG on Agency of PWD to the Governor and work is ongoing. Honourables Supervisory Councilors on People with Disability 33 Oyo State were encouraged to work hard and support our people no matter the challenges, to stand up and rise together as we have a lot of work to do on behalf of our people. 

No one left behind by Honourable Oyedeji Olusegun,GSM Volunteer People with Disability, Omituntun 2:0 

Photos Speaking ......and Attendance: 

1.Hon Alabi Abidemi     

2.Hon Rasaki Aderemi 

3.Hon Okikiola 

 4. Hon Janet Omolumo 

5. Hon taiwo Hassan 

6.Hon Salami Raviu 

7.Hon Karim Suleiman 

8.Hon Abdulwasiu Yunuysa 

9.Hon Gbadebo Deborah Adekunbi 

10.Hon Alabi Araria 

11.Hon OlaniyiO luwatoyin 

12. Hon Olayika Matthew 

13. Hon Adeyemo Mary  

14. Hon Oyedeji Olusegun ( GSM Volunteer People with Disability Omituntun 2:0)

15.Hon Adekola 

16.Hon Mujidat Asawale 

17.Hon Iburayim 

Photos Speaking......

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