Tuesday, August 27, 2013


If you want to get into drama club and don't know how to or if you tried last year and didn't make it, than this is the place for you.

1.Have confidence in your abilities. When it's the day to audition for drama club, don't be afraid! Have confidence in yourself. Even if you are upset because you didn't make it last year, just remember - you have experience trying out now!
2.Smile. When it's not your turn to audition, flash at the director. If you're going to be in the drama club, you're going to need to be comfortable on the stage. Smiling and speaking loudly are both ways to show that you are likely to not have a panic attack during a performance, which is something that most directors prefer to occur.
3.Keep active. When you audition, try to move around a little bit. No matter how tiny the area that you are given to work with is, you always look better if you can demonstrate some basic knowledge of blocking (a stage term for where you stand/move).
4.Show cheerful compliance and proactive interest. When you are finished, stand up smiling; the director will eventually give you further instructions.

   * Even if you have no confidence in yourself whatsoever, at least pretend like you do. You're an actress/actor anyway, remember? Put that talent to work!
    *Try to speak clearly to the director when you audition.
    Stand up straight! Having good posture makes your body as well as your face look better.
    *If you must sing, remember to warm up your voice first and drink plenty of water before.


Learn how to start your own social club to meet new friends. This example explains how to start a sketching club for artists, but could be applied to other types of clubs as well (such as reading groups, knitting groups, or whatever you happen to like)
1.Have a hobby or theme ready. If drawing is your thing and you want to meet more artists, that works great, but maybe there is something else you would love to try such as making knit tags or staging weird 'happenings' around your city.
2.Most clubs start really small, with a core group of friends. Do you have a couple of friends who share your interest? Suggest a time and place to hang out and do your thing (whether it's sketching, or talking about a book, or whatever.
3.Assuming you all had fun, set up another time to meet up and do the same thing. Try to make the next meeting a week from then, and suggest that your friends invite others to join.
4.If you haven't done so already, start up an account at a social networking site such as Friendster or MySpace, Twitter or Facebook. Find new people and introduce yourself to them. Tell them about the club and invite them to it.
5.If you want to expand your club even further, consider starting up a group BBS system, posting an ad on Craigslist, putting up fliers, and going to clubs with a similar theme to 'scalp' people into joining your group.

   * Assuming the club is getting a decent amount of people showing up, be sure to tell that to people who you invite (i.e. say 'last time we had a really nice turnout, we took over the whole top floor of X coffeehouse') People are intrigued by things that are popular.
   * When it comes to clubs, some will come and some will go, so it's important to keep meeting new people to invite. Assuming your club isn't bad you will get a few people who will stick, and start inviting their friends, and so on and so forth. Striking a balanced between structure and creative freedom in the group is key: too many rules and people won't participate, too few, and they think they don't have to show up.
   * The social tone of the club should depend on your overall goals. If you want to meet a wide variety of people and increase numbers, be sure to be friendly and helpful to novices in the area of interest. If you want the opposite effect, set a tone of exclusivity and make people jump through hoops to join.
   * Sell some food to members to make a bit more money for the club!
  *  Coffee shops make awesome meeting places.
    *Keep it light and casual. Don't bring any gavel to bang and announce the beginning of the meeting. When inviting people, tell them that the people who already go are a really fun group and encourage them to bring their own friends as well.


Find something to start your club joke between you and your friend or the person you are starting the club with. ( After all, it is a SECRET club!!) Say a funny hand motion or a random thing that you sometimes do. Be really creative. The more creative you are the better success you will have with your club. Also figure out a name that goes along with your topic.It doesn't matter if people who aren't in the club don't care for the name, you like it and it is going to stay that way! Lastly, create a secret handshake that all the members of the group do. The more creative, the better it will be.
2.Find members. They can be your friends or they can be random people you tell about your club. Make sure they will fit in and will be ever loyal to your club. Make sure to mention the stuff you do and how much fun the club is. Tell them about your secret handshake and your secrets about your crushes and your best friend sleepovers.
Have an initiation process. This could range from saying a secret you haven't told anyone to having them recite a poem/pledge.
Make up rules. A good one is, "Don't tell anyone about the club because it is a secret." Another good rule is, "When you find a person who might fit in, do not tell them but discuss it at a meeting with all the other members of the club to figure out and judge them to see if they fit in."
Find a regular meeting time and place. It could be at your house or it could be at your favorite restaurant it all depends on your choice. If you cannot afford a restaurant, just cook at home and engage your friends in this activity too.
Once your club has started there will be many things that you will think of doing as a club. Maybe, a lemonade stand for charity. Make sure to wear things that match such as the color pink or a skirt.
As soon as your club starts there will be many inside jokes and club things that you can laugh at when no one around knows what you are talking about. Maybe talk about your day,your secrets or your family.
If you really don't want anyone to find out about it, make them give you something embarrassing and tell them if they ever tell anyone about the club you will show it to the whole school!
Make membership cards. Be creative! Engage this as an activity and lay some stuff out


1.Decide on the clubs that will be in it. If you don\'t know of any other clubs, ask your pen pals or friends that live in different towns if they want to start a club in their own town.
2 Decide which powers each of the clubs are good at controlling. For example, one club might be best at materials and processing.

3Make a leadership chart. List the head club at the top and so on down the line.

4.Make a blog or some other kind of webpage and post videos, new rules, ideas and events in it.

5.Make sure that there is a meeting with every individual club every two weeks or so at least.


1. Organized and detail oriented.
2. Puts the boss's and company's "best foot forward" since he/she will most likely come incontact with clients before the boss does.
3. Always answers the phone and greets visitors with a smile on his/her face and in his/her voice.
4. Has up-to-date skills and the ability to learn new skills and procedures with ease.
5. Knows when to keep his/her mouth shut and when not to. Doesn't quibble over the small stuff.
6. Listens well and presents solutions rather than dwell on problems.
7. Presents a professional appearance and attitude at all times. Doesn't bring personal problems to work.
8. Follows through quickly and efficiently withall tasks.
9. Terrific spelling and grammar skills, and knows how to interpret the boss's hieroglyphics!
10. Remembers the pressures the boss is under and doesn't bother the boss with every little problem.


Can help your nonprofit grow.
Filling an immediate need in a community is the key to any venture, be it a corporation or nonprofit organization. Though focusing on a worthwhile task is an essential part of any operation, staffing your nonprofit with people who believe in its goals and mission will ensure its long-term success. In order to get off the ground, a successful nonprofit organization also initially requires paperworkand legal documentation, not to mention funding. Addressing these concerns should be an early step in forming the organization.
Moderately Challenging
Planning and Networking
Identify which need your nonprofit organization will address, then draft mission statements and vision statements. Vision statements express what values and beliefs guide the organization's work, including its ultimate goals. Mission statements address how the organization will work toward those goals as well as the population the group will serve, according to Foundation Center.
Draft a business plan that details how your organization will be run and how its operations will address its mission and vision. Business plans, though they are as different as the organizations that use them, contain common elements, such as marketing strategies, the managerial organization of the group, and cash flow and funding projections. "Entrepreneur" magazine identifies four types of plans, ranging from the miniature plan, which only details the basics, to the presentation plan, which includes all of the elements necessary to introduce your organization toprospective employees, investors and the community.
Approach people or groups who might be interested in working for, volunteering or otherwise supporting the burgeoning organization. To ensure that you make the best impression on prospective supporters, be sure you are knowledgeable of all aspects of the group's vision, mission and business plan. Explain to each person you approach how his involvement with your group will benefit his community as well as himself, and don't forget to exchange contact information.
Secure some form of funding or conditionalfinancial backing. Nonprofit organizations are typically funded through grants, donations, an endowment or certain types of loans. The United States government maintains an online directory of funding sources for nonprofit organizations, ranging from faith-based organizations to those looking to support education and health services.
Early Days of Operation
Stay goal-focused and be judicious with capital and human resources. Once the organization has enough members to operate, delegate specific tasks to each leader and charge them with ensuring that the tasks are completed economically. By sharing the organization's workload among different leaders, staff members andvolunteers, you will be able to meet goals and avoid overworking your staff.
Network with similar organizations to tradeideas and to increase the visibility of your organization. Growing a nonprofit's social and professional network may play a biggerrole in helping it meet its goals than growing its size, according to the Harvard Business School. Extending the nonprofit's reach through networking increases its visibility and makes it possible to work withother organizations, both smaller and largerin scope, to meet your nonprofit's goals.
Recalibrate the organization at least once per quarter, including progress reports, new objectives and funding for the organization. As the start-up grows, so will its operations and its involvement in the community. Meet with the organization's leaders, donors and service area regularly to ensure that the work being done is aligned with its mission and overall vision, and to discuss the best ways to grow the organization in the future.


Have you ever seen all those clubs that are really successful? Ever wanted to start one of those clubs for yourself and be at the head of it? Yes? Follow these simple steps and you should have success! So just read down below!                                                                       1.Decide what kind of a club it will be and think up a catchy name. The club should have a topic and the people in your club should be gathering because they share a common interest.                                                                                                                                      Figure out where and when your club will meet. If you would like the meetings to be held at your school, talk about it with your other club members first. Is it just once a month or twice a week you're meeting? It's important to have these details ironed out so that your members don't get confused. Make sure everyone can get to the meetings easily. If they can't come to every meeting, it's okay!
Begin recruiting members for your club. Most members should be among your friends, but a few people you don't know well should be allowed to join so that it will become more popular. But keep in mind, having too many members can result in a lot of anger or frustration.
Establish a "government" in your club. You could include:

    Leader (president). They should run the club, meetings, and enforce the rules
    Deputy leader, who's in charge when the leader cannot make it (vice president)
    Treasurer. They should handle the club money, and keep track of dues for memberships, pay the bills for the clubs operations and activities. They should also keep records of all debits and credits for accounting purposes.
    Secretary. They should keep minutes of every meeting and read them for correction or addition at each consecutive meeting. They can assist with the activities of the club, such as events that are hosted, and give a report of the event at meetings that follow these events.
    Historian. They should keep a record of activities that the club hosts, etc.
    Head of Events. They should delegate club members to help in planning organized activities.
    Advertising team. They should be responsible for creating flyers etc.

Decide on a club symbol, colors, etc. This should also be decided by the club and voted on.
Make club IDs. Make a template with your name, the club's name, the member's rank (if they have one), contact info for the club, club location, and the time since they became a member.
Get a motto/slogan. This step is optional, but it can help to keep everyone in the club on the right track. Make it inspirational.
Have your first meeting. It's best to have snacks and some kind of games to make a good impression. Call members to remind them of the first meeting, as it's best if everyone attends.
Keep moving forward. Have a good constitution to help clarify what you want to do and how. Help your officers to know what they should do and how to behave. There are books to guide you in these things - get one.