Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Find something to start your club joke between you and your friend or the person you are starting the club with. ( After all, it is a SECRET club!!) Say a funny hand motion or a random thing that you sometimes do. Be really creative. The more creative you are the better success you will have with your club. Also figure out a name that goes along with your topic.It doesn't matter if people who aren't in the club don't care for the name, you like it and it is going to stay that way! Lastly, create a secret handshake that all the members of the group do. The more creative, the better it will be.
2.Find members. They can be your friends or they can be random people you tell about your club. Make sure they will fit in and will be ever loyal to your club. Make sure to mention the stuff you do and how much fun the club is. Tell them about your secret handshake and your secrets about your crushes and your best friend sleepovers.
Have an initiation process. This could range from saying a secret you haven't told anyone to having them recite a poem/pledge.
Make up rules. A good one is, "Don't tell anyone about the club because it is a secret." Another good rule is, "When you find a person who might fit in, do not tell them but discuss it at a meeting with all the other members of the club to figure out and judge them to see if they fit in."
Find a regular meeting time and place. It could be at your house or it could be at your favorite restaurant it all depends on your choice. If you cannot afford a restaurant, just cook at home and engage your friends in this activity too.
Once your club has started there will be many things that you will think of doing as a club. Maybe, a lemonade stand for charity. Make sure to wear things that match such as the color pink or a skirt.
As soon as your club starts there will be many inside jokes and club things that you can laugh at when no one around knows what you are talking about. Maybe talk about your day,your secrets or your family.
If you really don't want anyone to find out about it, make them give you something embarrassing and tell them if they ever tell anyone about the club you will show it to the whole school!
Make membership cards. Be creative! Engage this as an activity and lay some stuff out

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