Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Have you ever seen all those clubs that are really successful? Ever wanted to start one of those clubs for yourself and be at the head of it? Yes? Follow these simple steps and you should have success! So just read down below!                                                                       1.Decide what kind of a club it will be and think up a catchy name. The club should have a topic and the people in your club should be gathering because they share a common interest.                                                                                                                                      Figure out where and when your club will meet. If you would like the meetings to be held at your school, talk about it with your other club members first. Is it just once a month or twice a week you're meeting? It's important to have these details ironed out so that your members don't get confused. Make sure everyone can get to the meetings easily. If they can't come to every meeting, it's okay!
Begin recruiting members for your club. Most members should be among your friends, but a few people you don't know well should be allowed to join so that it will become more popular. But keep in mind, having too many members can result in a lot of anger or frustration.
Establish a "government" in your club. You could include:

    Leader (president). They should run the club, meetings, and enforce the rules
    Deputy leader, who's in charge when the leader cannot make it (vice president)
    Treasurer. They should handle the club money, and keep track of dues for memberships, pay the bills for the clubs operations and activities. They should also keep records of all debits and credits for accounting purposes.
    Secretary. They should keep minutes of every meeting and read them for correction or addition at each consecutive meeting. They can assist with the activities of the club, such as events that are hosted, and give a report of the event at meetings that follow these events.
    Historian. They should keep a record of activities that the club hosts, etc.
    Head of Events. They should delegate club members to help in planning organized activities.
    Advertising team. They should be responsible for creating flyers etc.

Decide on a club symbol, colors, etc. This should also be decided by the club and voted on.
Make club IDs. Make a template with your name, the club's name, the member's rank (if they have one), contact info for the club, club location, and the time since they became a member.
Get a motto/slogan. This step is optional, but it can help to keep everyone in the club on the right track. Make it inspirational.
Have your first meeting. It's best to have snacks and some kind of games to make a good impression. Call members to remind them of the first meeting, as it's best if everyone attends.
Keep moving forward. Have a good constitution to help clarify what you want to do and how. Help your officers to know what they should do and how to behave. There are books to guide you in these things - get one.

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