Tuesday, August 27, 2013


If you want to get into drama club and don't know how to or if you tried last year and didn't make it, than this is the place for you.

1.Have confidence in your abilities. When it's the day to audition for drama club, don't be afraid! Have confidence in yourself. Even if you are upset because you didn't make it last year, just remember - you have experience trying out now!
2.Smile. When it's not your turn to audition, flash at the director. If you're going to be in the drama club, you're going to need to be comfortable on the stage. Smiling and speaking loudly are both ways to show that you are likely to not have a panic attack during a performance, which is something that most directors prefer to occur.
3.Keep active. When you audition, try to move around a little bit. No matter how tiny the area that you are given to work with is, you always look better if you can demonstrate some basic knowledge of blocking (a stage term for where you stand/move).
4.Show cheerful compliance and proactive interest. When you are finished, stand up smiling; the director will eventually give you further instructions.

   * Even if you have no confidence in yourself whatsoever, at least pretend like you do. You're an actress/actor anyway, remember? Put that talent to work!
    *Try to speak clearly to the director when you audition.
    Stand up straight! Having good posture makes your body as well as your face look better.
    *If you must sing, remember to warm up your voice first and drink plenty of water before.

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